
This is a simulator of my processor that I built out of 2000 transistors.

If you want to know the explanation of this program go to Hello world. If you want to know controls or processor details scroll down.

Clock rate (Hz)

Processor details

The simulator simulates my processor which I made:

An image of a computer processor made from MOSFETs

The above assembly code is really simple and could be made much better (for example by introducing loops), but it shows the essance of the processor.

Remember my processor uses 2 words per instruction so there always have to be 2 words per instruction... These are all supported instructions:

Data moving -------------- SP2ACC 0 move SP to ACC ACC2SP 0 move ACC to SP PC2ACC 0 move PC to ACC ACC2PC 0 move ACC to PC Loading: -------------- STA2SP 0 store ACC to top of stack STA addr store ACC to addr LDAFS 0 load ACC from top of stack LDA addr load ACC from addr LDAI val load val to ACC Branching: -------------- B label jump to label BNEQ label jump to label if not ZERO flag BEQ label jump to label if ZERO flag ALU ops -------------- ADD addr add value on addr to ACC ADDI val add val to ACC ADDISP val ACC = SP + val NOT 0 negate ACC NAND addr NAND value at addr with ACC IO -------------- PRINT val send val to LCD READ 0 read keyboard to ACC

As you can see it actually can implement functions and we go through that example in functions. It has accumulator architecture and I go through it here.


You write your assembly in the left text box. It is automatically checked for syntax and the errors will show on the right.

If there are no error and the program is runnable memory representation will appear and you will be able to press "Run". You can also copy the memory representation but that is if you want to run it on the actual processor.